Divided we stand.

  • YO-HO-HO

    Now I have matrix! @shaman007:matrix.andreybondarenko.com

  • Nexcloud is getting better

    Nexcloud is getting better

    It can do really neat things, as it turned out!

  • Cable-managed the K3S this blog hosted on

    Cable-managed the K3S this blog hosted on

    Looks nicer! I’d used 200 Wt power supply so it wouldn’t struggle and maybe I would add some more hardware from the closet with router and stuff to it.

  • New setup

    New setup

    This site is running from here now:

  • Turris MOX (openwrt) Prometheus exporter

    It works! The exported could be downloaded from here: GitHub – prometheus/collectd_exporter: A server that accepts collectd stats via HTTP POST and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption. To build it just install golang and gcc, in case of the “/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthread” error just create an empty AR archive somewhere in the…

  • Here we go!

    Here we go!

  • Moved to CentOS Stream 9

    Moved to CentOS Stream 9. I wanted to move my cloud disc and mail here too, but it turned out to be too expensive. So, I’d stay at the Office 356 for now. Made some Ansible play books in process. https://github.com/shaman007/mail_and_files_selfhosted

  • Охлаждение Apple MacPro G5

    Охлаждение Apple MacPro G5

    Мне очень нравились “Терки” Apple, на столько, что когда-то я даже приобрел себе один двухголовый Mac Pro с двумя процессорами Xeon и какими-то еще штуками внутри за 100 000р в начале 2007 года. Это был довольно выгодный аппарат: собрать такой же из комплектующих выходило примерно баксов на 200-300 дешевле по тем ценам, я был готов…

  • Spam to aol.com

    Some open relay spams a lot with this kind of messages: Delivered-To: abondarenko@gmail.com Received: by 2002:aa6:c2c8:0:b0:16a:1e8a:2c54 with SMTP id i8csp1735690lkp; Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:01:32 -0800 (PST) X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJwYX2tMoVU+eJjTP1qslWMcUikk61IbaTmPrak3WWvb1fbofSlY0ftgYqX9WBAiH5rL/PIy X-Received: by 2002:a2e:bf1e:: with SMTP id c30mr3535718ljr.408.1639760491902; Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:01:31 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1639760491; cv=none; d=google.com; s=arc-20160816; b=Pp3pD2GTGMOH8vYn+zs+n31Y3/RsUhm8SrzMWHMf4MAqnnojNhRemwUANtHgYhjd/9 M9F2iuIpJkYkdd5SqyzP2623PIWs8ahgMoEWWU5s9exmqAhICUtDc0BODLwWpzw1pbYi +XoA0yQkL79W+wWdCnn2D+EGR1LCr2dxnrH4A3OgsTTXG573/yQ3fAxMvT/qdSTCHf+X VtaHKSEHgU5vkfo20EF6hKF9h46d/KyaMspGtr4XhVeUPgvl3EWf/LilXOnbcctYH+q7 Q2ys7jcbeyltrTxwhVhJAy0gUu2ozZvSYh1SqR5MeWSbIb5/ClGinRy5cg5nimLi2jig…

  • Postfix and greylisting

    Spam became a noticeable threat for the mail servers many years ago. No servers today could be running without being hardened against the spam: according to some reports up to 75% of all the email traffic is spam. It’s noticeable from network capacity, hardware and electricity consumption even if you run a small company mail…

Got any book recommendations?