Category: Linux

  • How to sort messages log

    If you need to sort out what is reporting to the /var/log/messages to array in case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora, you need to do flowing manipulations: read log; get 5th column from the log, it’s daemon name; get rid of all digits, so the daemons with different PIDs would be counted as one; 1. get rid of all ‘/’ and replace ‘[’ and ‘]’ with ‘\[’ and ‘\]’…

  • Debugging Kerberos

    If you need to debug Kerberos, check the time synchronization at the first place. In about 50% cases it is it. the ntpd (or chrony) should be presented in the process list they should really be configured correctly in case of the virtual host crony is preferable, with the ntpd time skew is possible Really nice crony/ntpd comparative chart: , “Summary” section is complete.

  • Not to forget: ugly font and the Opera Browser

    Might be interesting for non-English speaking users of the Opera: some font on some sites are really ugly and there is no way in the interface to disable them, because they’re not system fonts, but one that web page get downloaded. –disable-remote-fonts is the option to fix them forever. Such fonts usually contain normal English glyphs, bot other are ugly. To fix it in the Gnome Shell: cp /usr/share/applications/opera.desktop ~/.local/share/application Add…

  • Not to forget useful vi and bash settings

    .bash_profile .vimrc Not sure about ‘number’ setting, if interferes with the clipboard annoyingly, so I can turn them off.

  • Simple way to fuck-up Gnome Shell in Fedora 25

    Open Evolution New message Attach file from Web DAV disk PROFIT!

  • FC 25 annoying auth bugs

    Evolution keeps failing to connect to Google calendars if it works for more than one day. Restarting goa-daemon with does not always help. That is frustrating: why not always?

  • Evolution mail signature workaround

    Evolution mail application in the Fedora 25 has annoying bug: it freezes when trying to add/edit signature (although, you can delete old one). It’s a known bug fixed in upstream and you can actually edit signature files (it’s quite tricky), but you can add shell script that would generate signature for you. UPD: need to use “cowsay `fortune`”

  • Today I’ve learned…

    My colleagues from the board have found out one small flaw, so everyone including me stared to dance around PGP/GPG. So far I have found that among my systems: Linux works as it should: two mouse clicks and you are ready. Covers 100% of my work mail, 75% of my personal mail. Mac OS Sierra is not ready: GPG Suite has…

  • Interesing “feature” of the Mediawiki

    Just have a bit digged in the Mediawiki, that is quite popular Wiki engine 🙂 Found out that the  articles are located in the “prefix_text” table, with all the changes, obviously. So changes are being stored as a new copy of the article: if you have 100kb article and you need to save a change in 1 symbol, there would be 100kb growth (plus additional data) of the table. No wonder that…

  • E-mail notification on every login

    It’s useful sometimes to get notifications on every ssh login that is happen on the server (though, could be used to monitor logins made by other means). First method is based on the /etc/profile, but it should not be used because user can override it with setting own variables if home directory is writable for him. Most convenient is to use PAM, putting in the /etc/pam.d/sshd execution of the script that…